Basic Usage

Basic Usage

Adding a PlantUML diagram to a page


  1. Type /plantumlcloud in the Confluence page editor.


  1. Select the PlantUML Diagrams for Confluence option.



  2. Type in the diagram markup code in the editor and click publish.

PlantUML Editor

The add-on will create two page attachments named after the diagram, one for PNG and the other one for SVG export. The diagram markup is stored only within the Confluence page and nowhere else as per our privacy policy.

Adding a GraphViz diagram to a page

The add-on also supports GraphViz DOT flowcharts using the same plantumlcloud macro:

@startdot digraph foo { node [style=rounded] node1 [shape=box] node2 [fillcolor=yellow, style="rounded,filled", shape=diamond] node3 [shape=record, label="{ a | b | c }"] node1 -> node2 -> node3 } @enddot

The second line of a Graphviz definition must be of the form:

digraph name {

Note that you can use @startuml / @enduml or @startdot / @enddot, both will work. Only the DOT language is supported.

Viewing the diagram on a page

Diagram will be shown on the page in the SVG(Scalable Vector Graphics) format allowing for high resolution zoom.

Below is the screenshot of the sample page.

Example page with PlantUML diagram

Viewer Options

Viewer can automatically scale to fit or shown the diagram in it’s original size.

Viewer toolbar can be shown on hover or removed completely.

Clicking the icon below in the diagram editor will open the Viewer Options dialog.



Viewer Options dialog

Full screen viewer

Clicking the Expand icon on the viewer toolbar opens up the full screen viewer which is useful for large diagrams.



Full screen viewer


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